Friday, May 1, 2015

3 Poems

Pressuring young minds into pursuing materialistic lives.
Unchanged despite the inefficiency.
Based upon the concept that everyone learns in the same way.
Largely ineffectual in encouraging struggling children to succeed.
Incongruous with the needs of young children.
Controlled by the government.

Encouraging mediocrity and underachievement.
Diminishing creative capacity.
Unsupervised and under regulated.
Creating stress and conflict
Accommodation over equality.
Tearing apart people’s images of themselves
Initiating a lifetime of dependence and excuses.
Oppositional to individualism and freedom.
Neglecting those who refuse to conform.

Refrain: Growing Up.
You climb your way to the top,
Paying your dues and waiting your turn.
Just to discover a false peak…

They tell you to get your degree and not be a slob,
But even if you get one, good luck getting a job.
For the rest of your life you will pay for it financially,
When in reality it didn't affect your career substantially.
Conforming and pursuing what society believes is right for you,
Despite the deep desire inside of you to do what you want to do.
When approaching life’s metaphorical fork in the road pause,
And think, do I truly believe in this cause?
Because a life spent constantly in regret,
Wondering how you’re going to pay back your debt,
Will wake you up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat.
Casting aside relationships and commitments in a narrow minded, blind pursuit,
So eager to throw everything away and uproot.
The real poetic aspect of this whole situation,
Is that if you give into the temptation,
And leave your comfort zone to obtain knowledge,

You disinherit and destroy the relationships you established before college.

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